Wednesday 16 September 2009


Here's a list of what my group has done recently to contribute to our film trailer making:
Filming practice;

We started to practice different filming techniques by making a few short films, one of which I have uploaded above. All the short films had different themes, such as the one above which is a two person perspective.

Cast recruiting for the trailer;

Although some of our actors are yet to be confirmed, we have the following people in mind:

- Steve Wood - Caretaker (confirmed)

- Mr. Casebourne - Teacher (confirmed)

- Mr. Davies - News Reporter (confirmed)

- Mel, Chris & others - Students (confirmed)

Poster Inspiration;

Our poster idea is mainly influenced by the posters for the 2008 film The Dark Knight.

We like that these posters are so simple in design yet very effective and eye-catching. Both posters are distorted in some way which could reflect how the villains have 'lost their way' and become insane. We want to try to incorporate this into our own film poster to reflect the distorted reality the school children seem to be in. We also like the use of dark colors, particularly red, as the makes the poster look more sinister, which again will be used in our poster. We like the idea of these posters being quite easy and predictable but they are made to be very unique to the film and it's theme, which is another thing we would like to incorporate into our work.

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