Wednesday 10 February 2010

Final Magazine Front Cover

It's been a mission and a half, but I've finally finished my magazine front cover :D!

This being an awards special issue, it does not follow the conventions of Sight & Sounds usual style of featuring a new film release on the front cover. Apart from this helping my magazine to stand out from the 'regular' issues, this allowed me more freedom to do what I wanted with my front cover.

The front cover features the two main actors in the film, Mel Higgs and Chrisfa Georgiou. They appear to be standing in front of a 'press board', which actors and actresses would be photographed and interviewed infront of at movie premiers and the like. This is infact is a repeated image that I created myself and then photoshopped the two characters onto it, creating the illusion that they were actually pictured infront of this.

The typical Sight & Sound yellow header features on this front cover. The '2009 Awards Special' font is bold and jumps out at you against Chrisfa's black clothing. The font could also be seen to look like the letters are lit up.

The red font on Mel's grey dress matches the red on the 'Film 4' logo in the background. This colour stands out well and helps to emphasise the 'Faces Of Evil' logo. The font used for this logo is the 'official' font used in the trailer and on the film poster; the outline has been made thicker to put an even bigger emphasis on the film title, which should catch the eye of the reader.

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